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Planning for a low stress holiday

Getting anxious about the holiday season?  There's a great old saying... "People before things".  Take some time to think about what's really important about the holidays for you and your family.  Keep those things central in your planning.

If you have a young baby you're probably tired most of the time.  Limit how much you take on this year.  Be realistic with people about how much you can really do.  Consider potluck Christmas dinners, smaller gatherings, less travel, fewer presents.  A frazzled, exhausted, stressed out Mom is NOT what families need to create lifelong happy memories (it's amazing how many people remember their mothers being totally strung out at Christmas).

So start planning now and take a serious look at what you can comfortably handle.  When your children are older you'll be able to do more. Taking care of yourself is a great holiday gift for your family.

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